Talking Point #10 - Our Kids New Normal
Some startling statistics about the health of our nations children
Hi, I’m Barbara, mother of vaccine-injured child Scarlet California, and we are with Scarlet’s Kids Foundation Inc. This educational course is designed especially for new moms who are hesitant and have questions about the United States Vaccine Program. This series of “Talking Points” is available in a printed postcard format for purchase at this -LINK- or you can subscribe to this newsletter for the most up-to-date version of each talking point. Information is added on an ongoing basis. The talking points provided are for informational purposes only and do not constitute medical advice and are not meant to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure disease.
Below are the link to each study backing up the statistics above.
1 in 1000 babies die of SIDS: CDC - Data and Statistics for SIDS
1 in 256 kids dies of Childhood Cancer: Cancer Facts & Figures 2018.
1 in 159 kids suffers from Epilepsy: National and State Estimates of the Numbers of Adults and Children with Active Epilepsy — the United States, 2015 - Published 2017 Aug.