Talking Point #3 - There's Nothing Rare About Vaccine Injury
Except that it is rarely talked about
Hi, I’m Barbara, mother of vaccine-injured child Scarlet California, and we are with Scarlet’s Kids Foundation Inc. This educational course is designed especially for new moms who are hesitant and have questions about the United States Vaccine Program. This series of “Talking Points” is available in a printed postcard format for purchase at this -LINK- or you can subscribe to this newsletter for the most up-to-date version of each talking point. Information is added on an ongoing basis. The talking points provided are for informational purposes only and do not constitute medical advice and are not meant to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure disease.
The only thing rare about vaccine injury is that it is rarely talked about.
In 2016 VAERS received 59,117 reports of adverse reactions following vaccination including; 432 Deaths, 1,091 Permanent Disabilities, 4,132 Hospitalizations & 10,284 emergency room visits.
Yet a problem that remains with VAERS is that it is a passive reporting system, relying on voluntary, rather than mandatory, reporting. As such, numerous reviews of VAERS have found that only a tiny fraction of vaccine adverse events are reported.